Do you have insurance?
Yes, CLASS Events and Workshops Ltd. is insured for up to £5 million.
Do you have insurance?
Yes, CLASS Events and Workshops Ltd. is insured for up to £5 million.
We have paid for a CLASS Nights Sleepover but someone has just pulled out, can we have a refund?
As part of our Terms & Conditions, please note that once the final balance has been paid no refunds will be issued regardless of how many do or don’t turn up to the event. The number that you have booked and paid for, is the number that we will be devising your Sleepover around. Have you considered inviting someone else to fill the gap?
Are your inflatables annually checked?
Yes, CLASS Events and Workshops Ltd. have the inflatables annually checked against the EN14960 standards for Inflatables.
How much room do you need for the inflatables?
Please allow 3m in height to ensure that your ceiling is tall enough to accommodate the inflatable.
Are your staff CRB/DBS Checked?
Yes, Entertainment staff and Instructors hold a Disclosure Barring Service (DBS) Certificate – formerly known as a CRB Check and have plenty of experience working with children.
How much space do CLASS Nights Sleepovers need?
Please allow approximately 2m length X 1m wide per sleeping area per person.
What time do CLASS Nights Sleepovers usually start?
CLASS Events and Workshops Ltd. aim to arrive on site at approximately 4pm to set up prior to the arrival of your guests (this may change depending on number of guests). Guests usually arrive approx. 6pm.
What do we need to pack for a CLASS Nights Sleepover?
You will be given a suggested packing list with your invitation as each Sleepover is themed differently and each host provides different things.
Who will be with my child during the Sleepover?
During the main evening’s entertainment, the party host(s) will be responsible for and on hand to assist the CLASS Events and Workshops Ltd. Entertainer ensuring that the children are having a great time.
The children will then be asked to go to the bathroom(s), get changed and clean their teeth etc. ready for bed. Once they are ready to settle down to sleep, the CLASS Events and Workshop Ltd.’s Entertainer will retire to the Office Sleep Pod and the host(s) will retire to their area.
Where will the Entertainer sleep?
The Entertainer has their own Office Sleep pod which will either be based in the corner of the main sleep area, if large enough, or outside the door of the main sleep area ie, fairly close by to keep an ear out but far enough away for privacy. No-one but the Entertainer themselves, is allowed access to the Office Sleep pod. The main adult host(s) will stay on site at all times.
What if there is a problem in the middle of the night?
If there is a problem, the CLASS Events and Workshops Ltd.’s Entertainer will be the first port of call for the children as they will be closest. They can call out or knock on the side of the Office Sleep Pod. If it is something that can be rectified easily and swiftly – it will be but, should the issue be more complex the party host(s) will be summoned either by telephone, walkie talkie or by sending their own child to get them.
My child will only sleep with their favourite teddy/glow worm/toy Ferrari etc. can I send it?
Absolutely, teddy (or indeed their preferred item provided that it is of a reasonable size and not a living creature) can snuggle down in their mini tent while they enjoy the evenings entertainment and therefore will be ready for them when they eventually go to bed themselves.
My child wets the bed, what should I do?
CLASS Events and Workshops Ltd. suggest that you may like to send along some night time ‘pull-up’ pants inside a bag in their wash kit (show them where they are and how to use them beforehand) whereby, when the children go to the bathroom to get changed, your child can put them on under their pyjamas/shorts/joggers etc. and no-one needs to know. As a precaution, you could also send along a spare set of nightwear so the child can discreetly change if need be.
My child has night terrors, what shall we do?
Speak to us at CLASS Events and Workshops Ltd. so that we are aware of what you would normally do in the circumstances or even how you would prevent/minimise them. Knowing about them in advance is far better than not telling us at all.
My child is prone to fainting, what shall we do?
Speak to us at CLASS Events and Workshops Ltd. so that we are aware of what you would normally do in the circumstances or even how you would; recognise they were about to happen, prevent or minimise them.
My child is allergic to certain washing detergents/powders, what shall we do?
Speak to us at CLASS Events and Workshops Ltd. and tell us what you would normally use. Whilst we can’t guarantee that we will change our products to suit your child’s condition, we will do our best to work with you to ensure that your child is safe. Therefore, this may mean for instance, they may like to bring their own bedding to ensure that they are comfortable.
What if my child wants to leave the party early and come home?
The party host(s) will have your emergency contact details and will contact you to discuss whether you would need to collect your child. Here at CLASS Events and Workshops Ltd., we will do our best to ensure that everyone is safe and happy.
The party child has a sibling that isn’t invited to the Sleepover but will be in the house, what shall we do?
Please speak to us at CLASS Events and Workshops Ltd. because we may be able to suggest something that works for you all.
What time do CLASS Nights Sleepover usually finish?
Guests are usually expected to collect their children at approx. 9am the following morning (but, your host will let you know the exact timings for their particular Sleepover).
Do you have a 1st Aid qualification?
Yes, our Instructors and Entertainers hold a current St John First Aid at Work Certificate.
Do you do beauty/spa treatments?
No, sorry – our insurance does not cover this offering.
We would like to hold a CLASS Nights Sleepover but, we don’t like any of the themes that you currently offer – can we suggest one?
CLASS Events and Workshops Ltd. are adding new themes all of the time but, if you feel that you would like something that we don’t currently offer – contact us and we shall see if it’s possible to do it for your event. Please be aware, there may well be an additional charge depending on what you are actually after.
Does the Entertainer have safeguarding training?
Yes, our Entertainers take part in annual safeguarding training before being tested to be able to gain their certificate.
Please get in touch if you have further questions.